The National Institutes of Health (NIH) participating Institutes and Centers (ICs), in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD), intends to publish Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) to invite applications for implementation research on noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in World Bank-defined low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) Tribal Nation populations in the United States.
The aim of this FOA is to invite applications for implementation research focused on addressing common NCD risk factors through interventions that improve health and/or enhance positive health and lifestyle behaviors at critical life stages (e.g., infancy,childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, older adults).
Responsive applications will:
build on a life course approach and focus on one or more critical life stage(s), or transitions between life stages;
focus on common NCD risk factors – exploring interventions known to prevent, or delay the onset or progression of, more than one NCD;
justify the choice of intervention(s) to be delivered during the selected life stage(s) and provide evidence of the intervention’s effectiveness and feasibility;
specifically address health equity, defined by the WHO as the absence of unfair, avoidable or remediable differences among groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically, or geographically or by other dimensions of inequality (e.g. sex, gender, ethnicity, disability, or sexual orientation);
address social determinants of NCDs in the relevant populations and assess culturally-tailored intervention strategies, including, for instance, studes that integrate Traditional ways of healing in AI/AN communities;
conduct research on multisectoral interventions that cut across health, environmental, social, and other sectors;
have an appropriate strategy for measuring implementation research and effectiveness outcomes, including stakeholder-relevant outcomes (e.g., functioning, health services use, and others);
demonstrate a commitment to stakeholder and community engagement;
provide opportunities for implementation research capacity building within project teams; and
demonstrate equitable partnerships and shared leadership between high-income country (HIC)/LMIC and/or non-Tribal Nation/Tribal Nation members of the project team, and between the project team and external stakeholders, including written letters of support from these groups and associated Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), as appropriate.
Award Project Period: The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Eligibility Criteria
Higher Education Institutions
Public/State Controlled Institutions of Higher Education
Private Institutions of Higher Education
The following types of Higher Education Institutions are always encouraged to apply for NIH support as Public or Private Institutions of Higher Education:
Hispanic-serving Institutions
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities (TCCUs)
Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian Serving Institutions
Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions (AANAPISIs)
Nonprofits Other Than Institutions of Higher Education
Nonprofits with 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institutions of Higher Education)
Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other than Institutions of Higher Education
For-Profit Organizations
Small Businesses
For-Profit Organizations (Other than Small Businesses)
Local Governments
State Governments
County Governments
City or Township Governments
Special District Governments
Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Federally Recognized)
Indian/Native American Tribal Governments (Other than Federally Recognized)
Federal Governments
Eligible Agencies of the Federal Government
U.S. Territory or Possession
Independent School Districts
Public Housing Authorities/Indian Housing Authorities
Native American Tribal Organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
Faith-based or Community-based Organizations
Regional Organizations
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Institutions)
Deadline: Aug 10, 2022
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